A Message from Our CEO – June 2022
Dear Friends,
I got Covid last month and I felt sick and cranky. I'm not sick anymore, but I'm still cranky. Bogged down by excess paperwork, Zoom fatigue, inflation and a looming recession. If you feel the same way, you're not alone. What is it that we need to feel whole? There's meditation, yoga, and Netflix, but maybe you need an empathetic boss to take some of the weight off. Corporate America is now 'discovering' the role empathy plays in leadership. It's about time. This is the core of our consulting practice.
Developing empathy is hard work and requires leaders to be vulnerable, which ironically, happens to be one of the highest contributors of their anxiety. Leaders need time to stretch and expand and practice with empathy. We find that peer coaching strips away the trappings of work and allows leaders to be with other leaders in an open, no-blame setting. We'd recommend it to any leader who wants to grow their empathy muscle. But it's just like going to the gym -- it only works if you have a routine and are disciplined.
As Brene Brown says…
Empathy. Drives. Connection.