A Message from Our CEO – May 2022

Dear Friends,

A colleague of mine came down with the Covid virus a couple weeks ago. She was flat on her back for two days and feeling just plain lousy for six days. I asked, "Did you take the week off?" She said, "no, I only took one day off. There was too much work to do." Her experience is part of an emerged trend in the WFH environment-- working while sick. Employers that think they are increasing productivity by reducing absenteeism, but it turns out that this leads to more absences, lower wellbeing, and reduced productivity. The solution is to let sick people take the time they need to get better. Leaders should model this behavior and create a psychologically safe environment where employees can be honest and vulnerable without repercussions.

Many good articles in this month's NewsWire-- prioritizing multilingual skills, office hoteling software, and the rise of two-year skilled trades programs and more. This is not your father's workplace.



Don't. Work. Sick.


June 2022


May 2022