A Message from Our CEO – May 2024
“Generation X is well-meaning on one hand, and incompetent on the other.”
My fellow GenXers… especially those born in the 1960’s and early 70’s… you have another reason to be disappointed in yourself. Never mind that you have a strong work ethic, lower absenteeism, and exhibit better emotional stability in the workplace. Forget that you tackle conflict resolution like an All-Pro linebacker. Resilience? You survived the Cold War, a deluge of sugary breakfast cereals and the bad-hair 80’s.
Your latest challenge is this: You’re too old to get hired, or… not old enough. In a report by BBC news (see article below), Gen Xers are being passed over for roles of all kinds. Employers see young people as more malleable. With a dramatic surge in a new, digital workforce, employers are placing their bets on Millennials who are digital natives. Meanwhile, Boomers won’t vacate the corner office. Xers are stuck in the middle. The sandwich generation. Caught in the middle. A dry ham sandwich.
It's a real problem. 80% of workers between 45 -60 have experienced or witnessed ageism. And women face additional hurdles. Women in their 40’s are often seen as preoccupied with family responsibilities. Being a woman and being older is a double whammy.
There is no use in complaining. And Xers don’t. GenX’s steely stoicism pushes them through. If anything, this is just one challenge in a poorly-timed ill-fated life. Brush it off and send off another 100 resumes.
We. Don’t. Dodder.