A Message from Our CEO – February 2022
Dear Friends,
A new PwC report says that according to business leaders, hiring and retaining workers is the biggest threat to meeting business goals this year. I would argue that this is the biggest threat in any year. 2022 is the big wake up call that talent is the central force driving business goals. I'm predicting that budgets for employee training and development will soon follow. The problem is a lot of the training out there sucks. I'm sorry, I'm just being honest. The reason it sucks (aka doesn't 'work') is that it is not tied to overall leadership objectives and priorities, and leaders aren't taking it seriously. Training and development need a seat at the C-suite table. Ok, I'm glad I got that off my chest. And just for the record, I've done my share of sucky trainings.
Also in our NewsWire, there are companies that are subsidizing Botox treatments. Totally serious. Check out the article in WorkLife.
Develop. Your. Talent.