A Message from Our CEO – January 2022

Dear Friends,

A client told me yesterday that their unfilled positions are increasing the workload on current employees, and their increased workload is contributing to stress, burnout, and ultimately, resignations. So, the more vacancies, the more resignations. And the more resignations, the more vacancies.

This is a doom loop that most companies don't need. I've been consulting for over 20 years and have never seen it this bad. My recommendation is to throw away your old playbook and start over with some new concepts: Radical flexibility, coaching circles, and psychological safety. Increasing your managers' capacity for empathy (super hard to do, btw) can stop the doom loop, or at least slow it down.

In this week's C-Suite Newswire, we look at "Quit-Tok," Gig Work, and Millennial Road Warriors.



Autonomy. Radical Flexibility. Doom-less.


February 2022


January 2022