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Navigating organizational change and fostering high-performing teams is a complex journey. Our blog is here to be your trusted guide. We offer insights, strategies, and best practices to help you overcome challenges, unlock your organization's potential, and achieve lasting success.
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Generational Trends
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Generations Schmenerations,
What’s the Difference?
People smarter than me have told me that the notion of generational differences is a made-up construct. Every one is different, they say - we are all unique. Indeed, among almost eight billion humans, there is not a matching set anywhere.
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Managing (and Coaching) Millennials — What Not To Do
Managers should exercise caution to avoid some irreversible errors in managing Millennials. Here are things NOT to do.
Millennials’ Hierarchy of Needs: Building a Base of Structure
The most important thing managers of Millennials can do is provide clarity to their Millennial workers about what their job is and what it is not, and set clear expectations.
The Case for Coaching Millennial Employees
Coaching, not managing, may be what gets your organization to higher levels of productivity — led by some of your youngest team members.
Hierarchy of Millennial Needs
For managers, these 5 core “Needs” for Millennials, prioritized in a pyramid similar to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, can help serve as a discussion point with each of your Millennial employees.
The Millennial Mentoring Imperative
For Millennial employees, mentoring isn’t seen as a perk or a bonus — it’s become something they expect and see as a necessity for their professional success.
5 Things New Employees Want on Day 1
What do employees really want from their first day and how do you as an employer ensure they go home energized and excited? Here are five things employers can provide (or provide early) to ensure the first day is amazing.
Millennials, Money and Managing Stress: Employer-Provided Financial Education Helps
It may seem to them that more money is the best solution to Millennials’ financial stress, but it turns out they are better served by more financial education.
Why You Should Get New Hires 'On Board' Before Day 1
If you want your new employees to start their job on the right foot and stick around long term, the first day counts — so, don’t spend that valuable time on benefits and payroll paperwork.
Emojis go Mainstream (But Not at Work)
There’s a proper time and a place for emojis, and business communication is
generally not one of them.
What Do Newly-hired Millennials Want at Work? Freedom from Uncertainty
For Millennials just out of college, their first professional job does not come with a syllabus. And this presents a dilemma.
It's OK to Fail! Here's How to Recover When You Do
It may seem like some of the most successful people in the world have been on a steady upward path, but some of world’s most rich and famous people have screwed up epically.
Internships can be Your Ticket to a Job
Summer interns should consider their internship an extended job audition. If you want a job at that company (or at least a glowing recommendation), here are a few key things to accomplish.
What Not to Wear: The Job Interview Edition
The time to test a company’s dress code is not during your job interview.
Don’t be like Kanye: 3 Habits of Bad Listeners
You may remember your teacher saying you have two ears and one mouth for a reason…
EQ and You: Your Path to a Successful Career
Career success is more often associated with high EQ rather than IQ.
First Day on the Job? Slay It!
Your first day at your new job will make you feel a lot like you’re a freshman all over again.
Receiving Criticism Doesn't Have to be Painful
Here are a few tips to get through criticism with grace and poise, and move on from it in a confident and productive manner.