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Navigating organizational change and fostering high-performing teams is a complex journey. Our blog is here to be your trusted guide. We offer insights, strategies, and best practices to help you overcome challenges, unlock your organization's potential, and achieve lasting success.
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Generations Schmenerations,
What’s the Difference?
People smarter than me have told me that the notion of generational differences is a made-up construct. Every one is different, they say - we are all unique. Indeed, among almost eight billion humans, there is not a matching set anywhere.
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Millennials Loathe Conflict. Here are Three Ways to Help Them
Dealing with difficult situations and difficult people is a soft skill and soft skills can be taught.
The Millennial Leader: A Fresh Approach to Leadership in the New Year
Millennials are accused of killing banks, breakfast cereals, and bars of soap. As they take on leadership roles in companies, how can they keep the workplace humming and thriving in the new gig economy?
Take a Breath, Be Generous, Enjoy the Holidays
This is the time of year when we are consumed with consumerism. When boxes, packages and bags pile up. Stuff and more stuff. So much stuff that it creeps into the unconscious. How do we declutter, make space, feel like we are really making a difference, and give with gratitude?
Three Easy Ways Help Millennials Develop EQ
EQ (emotional quotient or emotional intelligence) is essentially the ability to show ‘soft’ skills, or ‘people’ skills in the workplace. It may be a better predictor of workplace success than IQ.
The Top 4 Reasons Millennials Quit Their Jobs
The reason for high Millennial turnover is simple: bad management. Listed here are four reasons high-potential Millennials say they are leaving their job and ways you as a manager (and coach) can counteract these.
3 Keys on How to Give Effective Criticism
Giving criticism is never easy, but when you manage Millennials (and especially Second-Wave Millennials), your criticism could either improve their performance or it can causes them to quit.
Second-Wave Millennials: Tapping the Potential of America’s Youth
We have a unique opportunity to guide our next generation of leaders who will inevitably face unprecedented challenges in the future. This book is a little window into the challenges and opportunities, played out in a workplace setting.